Previous DIGITAL events:

Participants SURVEY 2021

Volunteer Feedback 2021

2021 Schedule

9:00-9:30: Check In and Breakfast, Atrium
9:30-9:45: Introduction from JMU Computer Science Dept, Atrium
9:45-9:50: Break into Station Groups, Atrium
9:50-10:40: Station 1
10:50-11:40: Station 2
11:40-12:10: Speaker Lynn Lambert, CNU, “But what if I don’t have a passion?”, Room 259
12:10-1:00 Box Lunch, eating outside
1:00-1:50: Station 3
2:00-3:00: Tech Gift Activity
3:00-3:30: Closing, Room 259
3:30: Depart
