This is an old revision of the document!
+Table of Contents
Important Dates
- Add/Drop Deadline -- January 27, 2023
- Mid-Semester Grades -- (for Freshmen only) March 10, 2023
- Withdraw Deadline -- March 24, 2023
- Fall Enrollment -- Week of April 10th
- Enrollment Timeline -- how to plan for a hassle-free enrollment
- When you Enroll -- how to deal with enrollment issues
Add/Drop Deadline
You have until the Add/Drop Deadline of Jan. 27, 2023 to change your schedule. After this point, your schedule is set and the only change you can make is to withdraw from a course. (see below)
Freshmen Mid-Semester Grades
Mid-semester grades will be posted March 10, 2023. Please check your grades in MyMadison. Some grades may be available earlier These unofficial grades will give you a sense of where you stand in each of your courses.
D or F Grades
If you have any mid-semester grades of D or F, please make plans to discuss your progress, possible options, and available resources with your professor and the CS Advisor,
Withdraw Deadline
The deadline to Withdraw from a fall semester class is March 24, 2023.
Withdrawal from a course by this deadline will result in a “W” on your transcript. Here are some things to consider before you withdraw from a course:
- A “W” is not calculated into the GPA, but it is factored in to the formula for Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) used by Financial Aid.
- Any student receiving Financial Aid should review AND consult with the Financial Aid office before withdrawing from a course.
- If withdrawing from a course results in you being below 12 credit hours during the semester, consult the potential impacts of no longer being a full-time student:
- When you withdraw from the course, you lose the credits that you've already paid for.
- Some CS classes (149, 159, 240, and 261) only allow students two attempts. If you withdraw from one of these courses, you're using up one of these attempts.
You do NOT need permission to withdraw, BUT we highly recommend that you also discuss it with the professor (for any classes) and if you plan to drop a CS course, speak to the CS advisor, too.
How to Withdraw
To withdraw from a course, you use the “drop” function in MyMadison.
Dropping either CS 227 or CS 159
CS 227 and CS 159 are co-requisites. If you are taking them together, you will need a departmental override to drop one and remain in the other. Please email your student ID number and the section of your course to Dr. Buchholz,
Withdrawing AFTER March 24, 2023
Any student wanting to withdraw from a class after the Withdraw deadline can only do so when an instructor agrees to issue a final grade of “WP” (withdraw pass) or “WF” (Withdraw Fail), based on their grade at time of withdrawal.
This option is strictly at the discretion of the instructor, and most will only consider it if there is a legitimate issue or extenuating circumstance.
Enrollment Windows
Fall 2023 enrollment appointments begin April 10, 2023.
Look at MyMadison for YOUR appointment date and time.
Your enrollment day based on your standing - see details
If you do not know what to sign up for, please review the curriculum resources, including sample plans of study. If you have further questions or concerns, schedule appointment with the CS advisor.
Open Enrollment begins at 12:01am on April 14, 2023. During Open Enrollment, you can expect SOME movement in classes, so you are welcome to continue to look for classes through the add/drop deadline of the upcoming semester. HOWEVER, do NOT count on finding a seat in a specific class.
We recommend that you enroll in 15-16 credit hours during your advance registration appointment, and then SWAP when you find a course you really want with an open seat.
Make sure you are using the waitlist correctly.
Check for Holds!
There are a number of students who are non-compliant with their immunizations and currently have a hold on their account that will prevent them from enrolling in spring classes. All have been sent multiple emails explaining what is missing and the consequences. Check to make sure that YOU do not have a HOLD. You MUST take care of holds prior to enrollment!
What courses should YOU take?
See the CS Curriculum page on the wiki.
Also see the Advising FAQ
Making a 4-year Plan
We encourage you to meet with our CS Advisor, Paige Normand, to make a 4-year plan for graduation. You can schedule a meeting with her here:
Not sure if you should reach out to Paige Normand or your CS Faculty Advisor about a topic? Don't worry, there's a Wiki Page for that!
Enrollment Timeline
1 month before Enrollment (early October/ mid March)
- Check for any holds on your account and ensure they are resolved well before enrollment
- To see holds, go to MyMadison > Student Center > Holds (under, to the right of your ID picture)
- Schedule a meeting with Advisor(s). CS Advisor: Paige Normand,
- If you have a minor or a second major, also talk to that advisor
Ten Days before Enrollment
- Courses should be listed in MyMadison; start planning your schedule and your contingency plans.
- Find your enrollment period and set calendar reminders. See: MyMadison > Student Center > Enrollment Dates
- Have your shopping cart ready to check out when your enrollment period arrives
When You Enroll
Dealing with Enrollment Issues
- If you get an error: read the error.
- If you have an error about a prerequisite: you have to contact the department responsible for the course you need. Start with contacting the listed professor and check the department’s Faculty and Staff listing to see if they have a departmental advisor.
- See error FAQs
- Note: you cannot enroll in courses when the section number start with OP. These are reserved for Adult Degree Students and are not available to regular undergraduate students. (e.g. ISCI 101 - OP01)
- Note: you cannot enroll in a CS Independent Study without first discussing this option with a CS faculty member, getting their approval to oversee the Independent Study, and establishing a plan for the course.
Enrollment Resources
If something else goes wrong during your Enrollment
- take a deep breath.
- Google it; see if you can find any info from a page
The CS Department can only handle overrides for CS classes. If you are having an issue with enrolling in a CS course, email the CS Advisor, and include:
- A screenshot of the issue you’re having
- Your standing (Freshmen, Sophomore, etc)
- Your full name and EID
- If you are requesting an override for a CS course, include the section number (e.g. CS 159-0003) of the course you are trying to get into.
- DO NOT separately email any other CS faculty. If you want to include any other CS faculty, CC them on your email to the CS Advisor. Separate emails forces us to duplicate work and degrades our effectiveness and speed to help CS students.
When you receive an override, this gives you permission to enroll in the course. YOU will need to enroll in the course. If you've had the course in your shopping cart, remove it. After the override is processed, you will receive an automated email notifying you and you can then add the class and enroll.
Open Enrollment
After all students have had initial access to enrollment (4 days), open enrollment allows you to enroll in courses to fine-tune your schedule. Open enrollment begins April 14, 2023.
Note: Registration will close for currently enrolled students in early Dec/late May so that incoming Transfer and First Year students can enroll. Open Enrollment will resume in early January/early August. Exact dates TBD.