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Help Using the Scrum Board in VivifyScrum

This page contains information about how to use the Scrum board in VivifyScru,.

Working with the Product Backlog

The product backlog will typically be the left-most column of the board and will be labeled “Backlog”.

Adding a Product Backlog Item

To add a product backlog item (PBI):

  1. Hover the mouse over the bottom of the “Backlog” title bar until a + appears.
  2. Click on the +.
  3. Enter a title for the item.
  4. Click on SAVE.

Sprint Planning

Sprint Planning involves the following steps.

  1. On the right side of the board (midway down the board), click on + (and name it Sprint #, where # is replaced by the appropriate number).
  2. Chose which PBIs you want to do in this sprint and drag them from the PBI column to the Sprint # column (i.e., to the sprint backlog).
  3. Make sure that each feature in the sprint backlog has completion criteria (called a checklist). Add them by clicking on .
  4. Decompose each feature (sprintable story) in the sprint backlog into sub-items by clicking on . Each sub-item should correspond to a task. You can name tasks with phrases and they do not need to be user stories. You should mark sub-items as tasks using the drop-down menu on the top left of the card that pops-up when you click on the sub-item.
  5. Make an estimate for each task by clicking on the “Points” drop-down on the right side of the card. (It is a good idea to estimate stories in story points and tasks in hours, but we can't do that with Vivify Scrum, so you will have to use story points for task estimates as well.) Note that when you associate items with sub-items, the parent item shows how many story points there are in the sub-items along with the estimate for the item. When you make all the sub-items for an item, these numbers should match. If they don't. then change the item or sub-item estimates until they do. The idea is to use the tasks, which are smaller and hence easier to estimate, to improve your estimates for features and so to ensure that you have a reasonable collection of items in the sprint backlog.
  6. Add items, such as overhead items, to the sprint backlog. Pay specific attention to overhead items that are not associated with a particular PBI (e.g., grooming the product backlog).
  7. Have team members take responsibility for tasks (and record the information in the tasks by editing the “assignees”).
  8. When the team is happy with the stories and tasks in the sprint backlog, click on the menu drop-down to the right of the sprint name and choose Start Sprint. Note: Make sure the dates are correct. This will add a Sprint Backlog item to the left-side menu (that can be used to go to the task board).

It is often useful to filter both the product backlog and the sprint backlog while planning. You can filter based on assignee, type, priority, etc… using the button.


As the sprint progresses, each team member should move their assigned tasks through the task board as they go. If a team member decides to work on an unassigned task, he or she should assign themselves to it - must be no tasks in the in-progress or done columns of the task board that do not have someone assigned to them.

When a feature is complete, a reviewer should go through its checklist and make sure that all the completion criteria are satisfied (this could be part of some other task or a task on its own).

Deleting a Board

Only the Owner can delete a board. To do so, first Archive it. Then, on “My Boards”, click on Delete.