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student:utilities:start:keypairs:beginner [2024/10/09 11:00] โ€“ [Tell stu this is all legit] schneildstudent:utilities:start:keypairs:beginner [2024/11/20 15:07] (current) โ€“ [Tell Github to join the party] stewarmc
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 ===== Getting Started with Authentication via Key-Pairs ===== ===== Getting Started with Authentication via Key-Pairs =====
-This documentation assumes you have never done anything with keypairs before (or at least that you have no recollection of having done so).ย +This documentation assumes you have **NEVER** done anything with keypairs before (or at least that you have no recollection of having done so). If you have done keypair stuff for CS 261, you can likely [[#tell_github_to_join_the_party|skip to the github section below]].ย 
-Most of the sections of this document assume you have first followed the preceding sections (so you shoudl strongly consider following them in order).+Most of the sections of this document assume you have first followed the preceding sections (so you should strongly consider following them in order).
 ==== Prerequisites ==== ==== Prerequisites ====
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     ServerAliveCountMax 120     ServerAliveCountMax 120
     AddKeysToAgent yes # https://man.openbsd.org/ssh_config#AddKeysToAgent     AddKeysToAgent yes # https://man.openbsd.org/ssh_config#AddKeysToAgent
-    IdentitiesOnly yes # I am thinking maybe I should not propose this for beginners...+    IdentitiesOnly yes # I am thinking maybe I should not propose this for beginners. so it's commented out now.
   Host stu # by specifying the host here as "stu", you can use "stu" as a shorthand for   Host stu # by specifying the host here as "stu", you can use "stu" as a shorthand for
                    # the full hostname when connecting via ssh to the server at the HostName below                    # the full hostname when connecting via ssh to the server at the HostName below
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 ==== Tell stu this is all legit ==== ==== Tell stu this is all legit ====
-  - in your terminal (see prerequisite above for help opening the correct terminal for our purposes on your OS), enter ''%%ssh-copy-id stu%%''+  - in your terminal (see [[#prerequisites|prerequisite above for help opening the correct terminal for our purposes on your OS]]), enter ''%%ssh-copy-id stu%%''
     - you may see a message like ''%%The authenticity of host 'stu.cs.jmu.edu (' can't be established.     - you may see a message like ''%%The authenticity of host 'stu.cs.jmu.edu (' can't be established.
 ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:RYxaUOHGdifpo+JaJeE6JHWVqiji+in1GI5lvbJluPk. ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:RYxaUOHGdifpo+JaJeE6JHWVqiji+in1GI5lvbJluPk.
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 ==== Tell Github to join the party ==== ==== Tell Github to join the party ====
 +**Note: For those who skipped here because of 261 reasons -  Open a terminal window (specifically as specified [[#prerequisites|above in the prerequisites]]).**
 If you want to do things with GitHub, you must first have an account. If you don't have one yet, [[https://github.com/signup|sign up for a GitHub account]]. If you want to do things with GitHub, you must first have an account. If you don't have one yet, [[https://github.com/signup|sign up for a GitHub account]].
-**Note:** it's possible that your quippy username that's served you well since middle school through that very public social media posting about that awkward thing that happened back in high school might be ok to keep around, but perhaps not as your personal-professional username. So maybe don't doxx yourself by making your github username relate to all your prior online activity. ๐Ÿ˜…+**Note:** it's possible that your quippy username that's served you well since middle school through that very public social media posting about that awkward thing that happened back in high school might be ok to keep around, but perhaps not as your personal-professional username. So maybe don'[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doxing|doxx]] yourself by making your github username relate to all your prior online activity. ๐Ÿ˜…
   - Go to [[https://github.com/settings/ssh/new|Your GitHub SSH and GPG keys settings > New SSH Key page]].   - Go to [[https://github.com/settings/ssh/new|Your GitHub SSH and GPG keys settings > New SSH Key page]].