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Help with

“stu” is a server running Linux that is available to all students in the JMU Computer Science Department.

Logging in to stu

You can login to “stu” using an SSH client (and the host name All modern operating systems should come with command-line SSH client (usually named ssh). GUI SSH clients are also available, but add little.

You can avoid the need to authenticate yourself (with your eID and password) each time you login using a public/private key pair. This is particularly useful when using another protocol (e.g., Subversion or Git) on top of SSH.

To log into a specific lab computer you first login to stu as normal and then you use “ssh L'room_numbercomputer_number'”. ==== Transferring Files to stu ==== You can transfer files to “stu” using an SCP client (and the host name ==== Using stu as an HTTP Server ==== You (should) have a directory named www in your home directory. Any file that you put in that directory will be available to the public as a “web page” (i.e., it will be served in response to an HTTP GET request) from the server under your e-ID. For example, if Prof. Fakename (i.e., fakenazx) put a file named test.html in her www directory it would be accessible to the public using the URL as''.

Of course, the HTTP server must have permission to read the file. So, the file must be world-readable.