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student:macdev:start [2021/09/05 21:13] – created stewarmcstudent:macdev:start [2025/03/11 12:10] (current) – [Window Management] atkin2il
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 ====== Developing on a mac ====== ====== Developing on a mac ======
-This page is under construction, please feel free to add a relevant section or subpage, For now I just need to mention homebrew bc it's the preferred method for getting Meld.+This page is under construction, please feel free to add a relevant section or subpage, For now I just need to mention homebrew because it's the preferred method for getting Meld.
 ===== Command Line Interface ===== ===== Command Line Interface =====
-The default app providing a CLI on macOS is Terminal. It's located in ''%%/Applications/Utiilties/Terminal%%'' if you're looking for it in Finder, but the simplest way to get to it is to:+The default app providing a CLI on macOS is Terminal. It's located in ''%%/Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app%%'' if you're looking for it in Finder, but the simplest way to get to it is to:
   - press <key>command</key> + <key>space</key>   - press <key>command</key> + <key>space</key>
   - in the resulting search box, type ''%%Term%%''   - in the resulting search box, type ''%%Term%%''
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   - press <key>return</key>   - press <key>return</key>
   - you should now have a terminal window open   - you should now have a terminal window open
 +===== Shell =====
 +  - iTerm2.app (Dr. Stewart uses this)
 +  - honorable mentions
 +      - Warp
 +      - Hyper
 +==== Shell config managers ====
 +  - [[https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh|Oh my ZSH]]
 +==== Shell Themes ==== 
 +  - [[https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k|PowerLevel10k]] (Dr. Stewart uses this)
 ===== Homebrew ===== ===== Homebrew =====
Line 27: Line 40:
   - ''%%brew install --cask <package>%%''   - ''%%brew install --cask <package>%%''
     * e.g. ''%%brew install --cask meld%%''     * e.g. ''%%brew install --cask meld%%''
 +===== Window Management =====
 +  - [[https://rectangleapp.com/|Rectangle.app]]
 +  - AltTab.app
 +  - else?
 +===== Password Manager =====
 +  - 1password (costs $)
 +  - honorable mentions:
 +    -  [[https://bitwarden.com/ | BitWarden ]] free and open source (for "basic"
 +===== Productivity/Else =====
 +  - [[https://alfred.app/ | Alfred]], especially because the (paid) powerpack has clipboard history ([[https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/clipboard-in-windows-c436501e-985d-1c8d-97ea-fe46ddf338c6 | finally a free feature on Windows]])
 +      - s/o to Carlos on [[https://appyogi.com/apps/clipsy-clipboard-manager-for-mac/ | this cheaper clipboard history app called Clipsy]]
 +          - FYI: Dr. Stewart who historically recommends the more expensive alfred powerpack for this feature hasn't tried Clipsy yet
 +  - [[https://www.macbartender.com/ | Bartender]]
 +===== HotKey Index =====
 +  - TODO... 