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Installing EclEmma

EclEmma is a code coverage tool for Eclipse. There are two ways to install EclEmma.

Installing from the Eclipse Marketplace

To install EclEmma using the Eclipse Marketplace you should:

- Start Eclipse. - Click on Help-Eclipse Marketplace. - Enter EclEmma in the “Find:” textfield and click on the magnifying glass. - Click on “Install” in the “EclEmma Java Code Coveragee” pane. - When the dialog box appears, click on Confirm. - When the next dialog box appears (which may take a few minutes), check “I accept…” and then click on Finish. - Restart Eclipse.

Installation from the Update Site

To install EclEmma using the update site you should:

- Start Eclipse. - Click on Help-Install New Software…. - Enter in the “Work with:” textfield and click Add. - Check the latest version and click on Next. - Complete the rest of the installation process. - Restart Eclipse.