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The Undergraduate Research Lab is comprised of CS faculty who are currently working with or actively seeking talented undergraduate research assistants to collaborate on research projects in a variety of fields. Students gain experience in all aspects of research, while working closely with faculty members to push the boundaries of human knowledge. Projects can be anywhere from a semester long collaboration to multiple years. If you are interested in research, are thinking about graduate school, or just want to learn more about what we’re up to, please contact one of the faculty members listed below.

CS Research Friday Meetings

The CS Research Seminar Talks are talks given by faculty members and undergraduate research assistants on a variety of topics at the cutting edge of computer science research. Talks happen on Fridays at 12:20pm and occur roughly every couple of weeks, generally in ISAT/CS 243. The format is a 30-40 minute research talk with 10-20 minutes reserved for questions. All CS students (and other interested students and faculty) are invited to attend. Email announcements about each seminar will be sent to the CS listserv.

On the Fridays when there is no research seminar talk, some faculty and students involved in research projects have an informal research meeting in the form of a brown bag lunch at 12:20pm in ISAT/CS 246. There is generally a “quick update” session where everyone talks briefly about any ongoing research work, and often project groups will use this time as an opportunity to discuss technical topics and problems relevant to the project. Some people come to talk about their ongoing projects and others come just to hear about what is going on in the department. Everyone is welcome!

Participating Faculty

Active Projects

Here is a short sampling of active projects conducted by JMU faculty members with students.

Feel free to add your project here!

CRAFT and FloatSmith

Most computers provide at least two different levels of floating-point precision (32-bit float and 64-bit double). Many calculations do not require high levels of precision, but it is very difficult for programmers to determine which calculations do and which do not. This project aims to analyze floating-point code automatically and report which regions must be in higher precision and which regions can use lower precision. CRAFT is a general framework for floating-point analysis and FloatSmith is a tool that integrates CRAFT and some other related tools to do precision analysis on source code.


Less-Java is a new programming language designed for use in an introductory programming class like our CS 149. It is designed to be simple but also to contain all necessary concepts for teaching programming. We have a prototype compiler and are in the process of improving it and running user studies to validate the usefulness of the language. See the tutorial for examples of code in Less-Java, and see our "help wanted" list for areas where you can get involved!

Shadow Value Analysis

Sometimes it is useful to run a program and perform a “shadow” calculation for every arithmetic operation. This allows you to try different precision levels or even different real-number encodings. It also enables you to visualize the changing levels of floating-point rounding error in the program's calculations.