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Table of Contents
Faculty Office Hours
Dr. Mohamed S. Aboutabl - Spring 2025
- Office Hours :
- In-Person, In my office ( KING 255 ), Walk-in FCFS
- Mon and Wed 03:15 PM → 04:15 PM
- Tue and Thu 11:15 AM → 12:45 PM
- On Zoom, By Appointment-Only
- If all of these times conflict with your class schedule, let me know via email, and I may be able to set up a special Zoom meeting with you.
Dr. Bernstein
- Office Hours:
Dr. Bowers - ON LEAVE
- Dr. Bowers is on leave Spring 2025.
Dr. Buchholz - Fall 2024 - CS 450 Sections 1 and 1
- King Hall Room 220
- Office hours:
- Mondays: 10:00am-11:30am (virtual)
- Tuesdays and Thursdays: 11:30am-12:30pm
- Wednesdays: 12:30pm-2:00pm
- and by appointment.
- Email for access to virtual office hours
Dr. Byrd -Spring 2025 - IT480 Sections 1
- King Hall Room 221
- Office hours:
- Mondays: 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
- Tuesdays and Thursdays: 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
- Wednesdays: 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
- and by appointment via Email
Prof. Chao - CS 149, 159
- Zoom/Other times by appointment.
Dr. Zhuojun Duan - CS 159, CS240 Spring 2025
- Office hours(King246B):
- Monday(In person): 2:40-4pm
- Tuesday(In person): 2-4pm
- Wednesday(In person): 2:40-3:20pm
- Thursday(In person): 2-3pm
- Other times are available by appointment via email. Contact by email:
Dr. Heydari - CS512, CS515, CS531
Office Hours: All my classes are online, so my office hours are mostly by appointment.
- I am available in my office Wednesdays: 1:00 - 3:00.
- I am in my office most of the week, so please feel free to stop by or call anytime.
- Please feel free to contact me at or call me at 540-214-6381.
Dr. Johnson
- M: 10-11:30 AM in King 246-E
- T: 2-4 PM in King 246-E
- Th: 2-3:30 PM in King 246-E
Dr. Kirkpatrick - CS 343, CS 361
- Mon: 4:00 - 5:00 PM
- Tue: 9:00 - 11:00 AM
- Fri: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Dr. Lam - CS 432
Drop-in Office Hours (King Hall 227 or join virtually):
- Mon 4-5pm
- Wed 9:30-11:00am and 4-5pm
- Thu 2:30-4pm
Dr. Mayfield
Spring 2025: CS 159 and CS 343
- M/W/F 12:30–1:30 and Tu/Th 1:00–2:00
- In person (King 208) or online (Zoom)
Dr. Molloy - CS 354, CS 412
- General office hours:
- Other times by appointment (email:
Paige Normand - CS Advisor
- Office: King 246A
- Advising appointments available via MyMadison Connect.
- If I am not your assigned advisor, you can still schedule an appointment via the links on my Faculty Page
Prof. Riley
- TuTh 11-1:30
- Also by appointment (, zoom or in-person.
Dr. Mona El-Kadi Rizvi - CS 149, CS 361
Spring 2025 Office Hours (King Hall 253):
- Tues: 10:00 AM - noon
- Wed: 9:50 - 10:50 AM
- Thurs: 1:30 - 3:30 PM
- Other times by appointment:
Dr. Shrestha (Spring 2025)
Office Hours
Location: 246 D, King Hall
- Tuesday: 8 - 9:30 am
- Wednesday: 3 - 4 pm
- Thursday: 8 - 9:30 am
- Friday: 9:30 - 10:30 am (Online)
Others - By appointment (, or
Feel free to stop by anytime my door is open!!!
==== Dr. Simmons ==== ON LEAVE
Dr. Simmons is on leave Spring 2025.
- Office King 105
- Office Hours: N/A
Dr. Sprague
- Office: King 226
- Office Hours: M/W 3:00-4:30, T/TH 9:00-10:00
- Zoom URL: Available through Canvas, or email me for the link.
Dr. Michael Stewart
🌸 Spring 2025: CS 343 🕸️, CS 347 🕸️🎓
- If you aren't currently enrolled in one of my classes, but are hoping to meet me in Office Hours, consider consulting my ApproximateAvailabilityViewer (it should reflect cancellations that I would have already communicated with my students).
- The times below apply only when classes are in session.
- On breaks and during final exam days, there are no office hours, contact me if you need to meet.
- Office: 212 King Hall 👑
- on zoom by appointment (typically during the hours listed below)
- Tuesdays & Thursdays: 11:00AM-12:15PM
- Wednesdays: 2:00-3:00PM
- Fridays: 10:00-11:30AM
Dr. Tjaden - CS 633 & CS 635
TTh 2:00-3:00 and by appointment
Dr. Isaac Wang
(Spring 2025)
Location: King Hall 246C
Office Hours:
- Monday: 3:30 - 5 PM
- Tuesday: 3:45 - 5 PM
- Wednesday: 1 - 2 PM
- Friday: 3:45 - 5 PM
And other times by appointment. First, check my calendar to find appropriate times to suggest, then email me to ask if we can meet then. Zoom meetings are also possible to arrange!
Open door policy: Also feel free to come by whenever my office door is open :)
Dr. Xunhua Wang - CS482-0001, CS559-Ex81, CS627-Ex81 [Spring 2025]
- Office hours: [Tu/Th] 11:40 ~ 14:10 [King Hall 213];or by appointment (
- Zoom URL:
Dr. Weikle
- Spring 2025: Mon/Wed 3-4 pm, Thurs. 2-4 pm King Hall 205 and Zoom, Fri. ENGEO 2203 in person only
- Office King Hall 205
- Email (