This is an old revision of the document!
Table of Contents
JMU Computer Science Faculty Guide
The [ | JMU Faculty Handbook]] is designed to “outline the duties, rights and responsibilities of faculty members and be a guide for the relationship between the faculty members and the university.” In some areas, the Faculty Handbook allows, or requires, the establishment of policies at the level of the academic unit. This page is intended to aggregate the set of official policies established within the JMU CS department.
Policy Documents
- Initial Evaluation Guidelines (under development?)
- Promotion and Tenure Guidelines for Lecturers (under development)
Informational Links
- Timelines for Promotion and Tenure etc.
Procedure for Updating Policy Documents
The repository for policy documents is located on the departmental OneDrive (link?). There are three folders:
- Approved - for approved policies
- Drafts - for draft policies
- Historical - previous versions of policies
In order to revise or create a departmental policy:
- Create a word file in Drafts containing the new or revised policy.
- Once the policy is approved by a vote of the faculty:
- Move the file from Drafts to Approved. Make sure to change the file name to reflect to reflect the approval date and to include the approval date in the body of the file.
- If the new policy replaces an existing policy, move the old policy document to Historical.
- Generate a PDF version of the new policy, upload it to the wiki and link to it from this page.