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The Java Documentation Generator (javadoc)


javadoc is a tool that creates HTML pages (often called “java docs”) from documentation included in Java source files.

javadoc looks for specially-formatted block comments (that start with /** and end with */) for information to include in the HTML pages it creates. These comments include a main description followed by one or more tags.

Tags for Constructors and Methods

The most frequently-used tags for constructors and methods are:

Below is an annotated example of a method that contains javadoc-formatted comments:

Tags for Classes and Interfaces

The most frequently-used tags for classes and interfaces are:

An Example

Below is a descriptive example of a class that contains javadoc-formatted comments:

 * This is where the description of the class goes.  
 * You can include HTML tags if you would like.
 * @author      Author's name
 * @version     Version number
public class ClassName
     * This is where the description of the method goes.
     * @param param1    Description of the first parameter
     * @param param2    Description of the second parameter
     * @return          Description of what is returned
     public ReturnType methodName(Type1 param1, Type2 param2)

Executing the Tool

The javadoc tool can be executed at the command line. It has the following syntax:

javadoc [options] [packages] [files]

For example:


will create the HTML pages for the source files named and

Many integrated development environments also have the capability of running the javadoc tool, including Eclipse.

Note that the javadoc tool generates a large number of “supporting” files even if you only generate documentation for a single class. The file index.html is the “main” page.

For More Information

The javadoc tool is very powerful and has a number of capabilities that are not discussed here. For more information, see: