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Installing EclEmma

EclEmma is a code coverage tool for Eclipse. There are two ways to install EclEmma.

Installing from the Eclipse Marketplace

To install EclEmma using the Eclipse Marketplace you should:

  1. Start Eclipse.
  2. Click on Help-Eclipse Marketplace.
  3. Enter EclEmma in the “Find:” textfield and click on the magnifying glass.
  4. Click on “Install” in the “EclEmma Java Code Coveragee” pane.
  5. When the dialog box appears, click on Confirm.
  6. When the next dialog box appears (which may take a few minutes), check “I accept…” and then click on Finish.
  7. Restart Eclipse.

Installation from the Update Site

To install EclEmma using the update site you should:

  1. Start Eclipse.
  2. Click on Help-Install New Software….
  3. Enter in the “Work with:” textfield and click Add.
  4. Check the latest version and click on Next.
  5. Complete the rest of the installation process.
  6. Restart Eclipse.