This page provides information about the feedback provided by the autograders that use gradingtier (and Checkstyle, JUnit, and JaCoCo/EclEmma) to assess Java programming assignments.
If your code compiles on your local machine but doesn't compile on Autolab there are several possible explanations:
Feedback about style includes a list of defects (generated by Checkstyle) organized by file that looks something like the following.
Feedback about correctness (e.g., official tests and self tests) includes a list of test failures (generated by JUnit). You may be given information only about the test, in which case it will look something like the following.
You may also be given hints, in which case it will look something like the following.
Or, you may also be given details about the failure, in which case it will look something like the following.
Feedback about the coverage of your tests (generated by JaCoCo/EclEmma) is organized by class and method, and looks something like the following.
Note that if a method contains no branches then the branch coverage line will be omitted. Note also that JaCoCo uses the term “branches” differently from the way some other people do. Specifically, the number of “branches” is the sum of the number of possible Boolean values in an expression.