Faculty Office Hours
Dr. Mohamed S. Aboutabl - Spring 2025
Office Hours :
In-Person, In my office ( KING 255 ), Walk-in FCFS
On Zoom, By Appointment-Only
Dr. Bernstein
Dr. Bowers - ON LEAVE
Dr. Buchholz - Fall 2024 - CS 450 Sections 1 and 1
Dr. Byrd -Spring 2025 - IT480 Sections 1
King Hall Room 221
Office hours:
Mondays: 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Tuesdays and Thursdays: 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Wednesdays: 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
and by appointment via Email byrdvl@jmu.edu
Prof. Chao - CS 149, 159
Dr. Zhuojun Duan - CS 159, CS240 Spring 2025
Dr. Heydari
Name: Dr. M. Hossain Heydari
Email heydarmh@jmu.edu
Work Phone 540-568-8745
Office Location King 225
Office Hours Spring 2025: Mondays & Wednesdays 12:30 – 2:30, other times byappointment. Zoom meetings are available by email appointment
* Please feel free to contact me: heydarmh@jmu.edu or call me at 540-214-6381.
Dr. Johnson
T: 2-3:30 PM in King 246-E
W: 12:30-1:30 PM in King 246-E
Th: 2-3:30 PM in King 246-E
W: 9:15-10:15 PM in King 246-E
Dr. Kirkpatrick - CS 343, CS 361
Mon: 2:45 - 4:30 PM
Thu: 2:00 - 4:00 PM
Fri: 11:15 AM - 12:30 PM
Dr. Lam - CS 432
Dr. Mayfield
Spring 2025: CS 159 and CS 343
Dr. McCoy - CS 227
Dr. Molloy - CS 354, CS 412
Paige Normand - CS Advisor
Office: King 246A
If I am not your assigned advisor, you can still schedule an appointment via the links on my
Faculty Page
Prof. Riley
Dr. Mona El-Kadi Rizvi - CS 149, CS 361
Spring 2025 Office Hours (King Hall 253):
Dr. Shrestha (Spring 2025)
Office Hours
Location: 246 D, King Hall
Others - By appointment (shrestcx@jmu.edu), or
Feel free to stop by anytime my door is open!!!
Dr. Simmons - ON LEAVE
Dr. Simmons is on leave Spring 2025.
Office King 105
Office Hours: N/A
Dr. Sprague
Dr. Michael Stewart
🌸 Spring 2025: CS 343 🕸️, CS 347 🕸️🎓
The times below apply only when classes are in session.
Office: 212 King Hall 👑
zoom by appointment (typically during the hours listed below)
Wednesday 5 March my hours 9-10am instead of 2-3pm.
Dr. Tjaden - CS 633 & CS 635
TTh 2:00-3:00 and by appointment
Dr. Isaac Wang
(Spring 2025)
Location: King Hall 246C
Office Hours:
Monday: 3:30 - 5 PM
Tuesday: 3:45 - 5 PM
Wednesday: 1 - 2 PM
Thursday: 3:45 - 5 PM
And other times by appointment. First, check my calendar to find appropriate times to suggest, then email me to ask if we can meet then. Zoom meetings are also possible to arrange!
Open door policy: Also feel free to come by whenever my office door is open :)
Dr. Xunhua Wang - CS482-0001, CS559-Ex81, CS627-Ex81 [Spring 2025]
Dr. Weikle
Dr. Ayub