Table of Contents

Timelines for Faculty Evaluation

This page provides a summary of key deadlines for the different aspects of faculty evaluation. This information is collected here for convenience only and may be out of date or inaccurate. Refer to the Faculty Handbook and other official sources for details.

Typical Evaluation Timeline for New Faculty

All faculty receive a written annual evaluation from the unit head every year. The list below outlines the timeline for other required evaluations. Note that this summary represents a typical timeline for a new assistant professor. Each individual's exact tenure clock is determined by their initial employment contract. (See Faculty Handbook IIII.E.6, II.E.7.b., III.E.7.f.(1))

See below for specific deadlines and more information about each evaluation type.

Initial Evaluation

The AUH must provide a new faculty member with information concerning the academic unit evaluation procedures and criteria in the faculty member’s first semester. The initial evaluation will be conducted at the beginning of the faculty member’s second full semester of full-time employment at JMU. The AUH must provide to the faculty member a written initial evaluation within 14 days of the evaluation conference. The initial evaluation process must be completed by the end of the third week of the second full semester.(Faculty Handbook III.E.3.)

Mid-Tenure Review

The PAC shall evaluate pre-tenure faculty members at the end of the second year, or at the midpoint of the pre-tenure period, whichever is earlier. At the option of the faculty member, the PAC may also perform a second pre-tenure review at the end of the fourth year. (CS Pre-Tenure Review Policy)

Application for Tenure and/or Promotion in Academic Rank

Deadline Step Faculty Handbook Section
Sept. 1 Written intent to apply or nomination conveyed to the AUH (Required for promotion, but not tenure.) III.E.6.b.(1)
Oct. 1 The faculty member who wishes to be considered for tenure and/or promotion must submit a summary of activities and accomplishments to the AUH and AUPAC III.E.6.b.(1), III.E.7.f.(1)
Nov. 15 The written recommendations of the AUPAC and AUH must be submitted to the dean. III.E.6.b.(5), III.E.7.f.(5)
Dec. 15 The dean must submit the recommendations of the AUH, AUPAC, and dean to the provost. After the recommendations have been provided to the provost, the dean must provide a copy of the dean’s recommendation to the AUH, the AUPAC, and the faculty member. III.E.6.b.(6), III.E.7.f.(6)
Feb. 1 The provost must send official written notification to the faculty member. Appeals are due within 30 days. The provost’s decision to deny a faculty member’s promotion is appealable only upon the university’s second denial of promotion in rank. III.E.6.b.(7), III.E.6.b.(10), III.E.7.f.(7), III.E.7.f.(9)
Feb. 15 Official written notification of denial must be sent by the president to the faculty member. III.E.6.b.(8), III.E.7.f.(8)

Official notification granting tenure and/or promotion must only be conveyed to a faculty member after the formal action of the BOV. Promotions become effective at the beginning of the following academic year.

Annual Evaluation and Anticipated Activites

The Annual summary of activities and anticipated activities form are submitted after the end of the spring semester (Faculty Handbook III.E.4.) . The exact deadline is communicated by the unit head and is typically no earlier than one week after grades are due. The AUH must provide the official written evaluation to the faculty member by Oct. 1. Before the AUH submits the official written evaluation to the dean, there must be an opportunity for the faculty member to review and appeal the evaluation to the body designated by the academic unit. The faculty member has a maximum of seven days following receipt of the official written evaluation to make the appeal in writing.