====== GitHub for Personal Use with Eclipse ======
This page describes one way to use GitHub for personal use (whether you are working alone or with someone else) under Eclipse. It uses a different repository for each course.
**Note that individual courses that require the use of Git (e.g., CS345) may specify a different process and/or may not use GitHub. **
===== For Each Course =====
For each course you must create a repository on GitHub using one machine. Then you must create the necessary directories/folders on each machine and clone the GitHub repository.
==== Create a GitHub Repository From One Machine ====
- Open a WWW browser.
- Login to GitHub.
- Create a new repository for the course (e.g., with a repository name of ''cs999'').
- Click on ".gitignore template" and select "None".
- Click on Create repository.
- Click on ".gitignore" in the Quick setup area to create such a file.
- Add the following to the file:
# Byte Code #
# Eclipse #
# Log Files #
# OS X #
# Package Files #
# Virtual Machine Crash Logs (see http://www.java.com/en/download/help/error_hotspot.xml) #
Then, click on [Commit new file].
At this point you should also create a Personal Access Token (see ''https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/keeping-your-account-and-data-secure/creating-a-personal-access-token'').
==== Create the Necessary Directories/Folders on Each Machine ====
- Open a file explorer/finder/terminal.
- Create a directory/folder for the course (e.g., ''/home/bernstdh/cs999'').
- Create a directory/folder for the Eclipse workspace for the course (e.g., ''/home/bernstdh/cs999/eclipse''). **Don't use the course directory/folder**, create a sub directory/folder in the course directory/folder.
- Create a directory/folder for the Git repository for the course (e.g., ''/home/bernstdh/cs999/git''). Again, **don't use the course directory/folder** (create a sub directory/folder in the course directory/folder), **don't use the workspace folder**, and **don't put the repository folder inside of the workspace folder**.
==== Clone the GitHub Repository on Each Machine ====
- Start Eclipse. When asked for the workspace to use, browse to the directory/folder you just created for this purpose (e.g., ''/home/bernstdh/cs999/eclipse'').
- Setup the workspace as needed (e.g., add a Checkstyle checks file, add a formatter).
- Open the Git Perspective.
- Click on "Clone a Git repository". When asked for the "Repository directory" to use, browse to the directory/folder you created for this purpose (e.g., ''/home/bernstdh/cs999/git'').
- Enter the GitHub URI (e.g., ''https://github.com/bernstdh/cs999'') in the "URI:" field.
- Enter your GitHub user name in the "User:" field.
- Enter your Personal Access Token in the "Password" field.
- Click on Next>.
- Select "main" if it isn't already.
- Click on Next>.
- Enter the name of the the directory/folder you created for the Git repository for this course (e.g.,''/home/bernstdh/cs999/git'') in the "Directory:" field. (Note: Be careful if you use the [Browse] button as it will add additional subdirectories. They won't break anything but they will make the directory structure more confusing.)
- Make sure the "Remote name:" is origin.
- Click in Finish.
===== For Each Eclipse Project in Each Course =====
For each Eclipse project in a course, you will create the project on one machine and push it to GitHub. The, you will import the project on every other machine.
==== Create the Project On One Machine ====
- Start Eclipse.
- Open the "Java Perspective".
- Create the new project.
- Add the project to source control by right-clicking on the package name, pulling down to [Team] and across to [Share project]. Note: At this point, a directory/folder with the name of the project will be added to the workspace.
- Click on the "Repository:" dropdown and select the Git repository for this course (e.g., ''/home/bernstdh/cs999/git'').
- Click on Finish. Note: At this point, the directory/folder for the project will be moved from the worskapce directory/folder to the Git respoitory folder/directory.
- Commit and push.
==== Import the Project On Other Machine(s) ====
- Start Eclipse.
- Open the Git Perspective.
- Expand the repository (e.g., ''git'').
- Expand the "Working Tree".
- Right-click on the directory/folder icon for the project.
- Pull-down to Import Projects....
- Click on Finish.