===== The Java Documentation Generator (javadoc) ===== ==== Overview ==== ''%%javadoc%%'' is a tool that creates HTML pages (often called "java docs") from documentation included in Java source files. ''%%javadoc%%'' looks for specially-formatted block comments (that start with ''%%/**%%'' and end with ''%%*/%%'') for information to include in the HTML pages it creates. These comments include a main description followed by one or more //tags//. ==== Tags for Constructors and Methods ==== The most frequently-used tags for constructors and methods are: * @author //text// * @deprecated //text// * @param //name////text// * @return //text// * @since //text// * @throws //class////text// Below is an annotated example of a method that contains ''%%javadoc%%''-formatted comments: {{javadocs.gif}} ==== Tags for Classes and Interfaces ==== The most frequently-used tags for classes and interfaces are: * @author //text// * @deprecated //text// * @since //text// * @version //text// ==== An Example ==== Below is a descriptive example of a class that contains ''%%javadoc%%''-formatted comments: /** * This is where the description of the class goes. * You can include HTML tags if you would like. * * @author Author's name * @version Version number */ public class ClassName { /** * This is where the description of the method goes. * * @param param1 Description of the first parameter * @param param2 Description of the second parameter * @return Description of what is returned */ public ReturnType methodName(Type1 param1, Type2 param2) { } } ==== Executing the Tool ==== The ''%%javadoc%%'' tool can be executed at the command line. It has the following syntax: | javadoc [//options//] [//packages//] [//files//] | For example: ''%%javadoc Calculator.java Controller.java%%'' will create the HTML pages for the source files named ''%%Calculator.java%%'' and ''%%Controller.java%%''. Many integrated development environments also have the capability of running the ''%%javadoc%%'' tool, including [[student:eclipse:help#creating_html_documentation|Eclipse]]. Note that the ''%%javadoc%%'' tool generates a large number of "supporting" files even if you only generate documentation for a single class. The file ''%%index.html%%'' is the "main" page. ==== For More Information ==== The ''%%javadoc%%'' tool is very powerful and has a number of capabilities that are not discussed here. For more information, see: * [[ http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/tools/windows/javadoc.html | Using the javadoc Tool ]] * [[ http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/articles/java/index-137868.html | Writing Comments for the javadoc Tool ]]