===== Opening An External WWW Browser ===== ==== The Basics ==== It is pretty easy to start a WWW browser from a Java application. The %%Desktop%% class in the %%java.awt%% package has a static method named %%getDesktop()%% that returns a %%Desktop%% object that can be used for this purpose. You just needs to construct a %%URI%% object (from the %%java.net%% package) and pass it to the %%Desktop%% object's %%browse()%% method. For example: Desktop desktop = Desktop.getDesktop(); URI uri = new URI("http://www.jmu.edu/"); desktop.browse(uri); To read from the local file system you can use the %%file%% protocol rather than the %%http%% protocol. ==== Converting URIs and URLs ==== %%URI%% objects and %%URL%% objects are closely related (and the distinction exists mostly for historical reasons). The %%URI%% class has a %%toURL()%% method that constructs a %%URL%% from a %%URI%%. Similarly, the %%URL%% class has a %%toURI()%% method that constructs a %%URI%% from a %%URL%%.